HfG-Jaipur Knee Prosthesis 1.0
In progress
| Started 3 months ago
Last update 3 months ago

HfG-Jaipur Knee Prosthesis 1.0

Our goal is an Independent worldwide production of functional prosthetic components. The project was created during interdisciplinary work at the University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd and is an attempt to enable people who have lost the ability to walk to walk again. It’s the first prototype of our Knee Prosthesis which is based on PP. In the future prototype version we wanna create products which are based on PET and also for other parts of the body.

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HfG-Jaipur Knee Prosthesis 1.0

created 3 months agoedited 3 months ago
Our goal is an Independent worldwide production of functional prosthetic components. The project was created during interdisciplinary work at the University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd and is an attempt to enable people who have lost the ability to walk to walk again. It’s the first prototype of our Knee Prosthesis which is based on PP. In the future prototype version we wanna create products which are based on PET and also for other parts of the body.



The HfG-Jaipur Knee is based on the Stanford Jaipur Knee

created 3 months agoedited 3 months ago
The HfG-Jaipur Knee Prostheis is based on the “The Stanford-Jaipur Knee.” The Stanford-Jaipur Knee is an invention designed by the Stanford University, USA,working with the BMVSS team. The Stanford-Jaipur Knee has been hailed by Timemagazine (issue of November 23, 2009) as one of the 50 Best Inventions of the Worldin the year 2009. We took this project as an example and created a prosthesis based on PP. This savesas many materials as possible and therefore also takes the environment, climate andresources into account. Please note that this is the first prototype. This mechanical knee is not ready for realuse. It is a HfG- study and starting point for further developments.




created 3 months ago
Leftover plastics (sorted by color and type) (In this first example, polypropylene (PP) was used as the starting material. In the future, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) willbe used to ensure the durability and resilience of the prosthesis. This also applies toall other parts planned for the future, such as the base and the socket.) Plastic shredder Injection molding machine 5x Injection molding tools



Preparing Your Plastic

created 3 months ago
In order to press the plastic into the mold, it must first be shredded into granules. Use the plastic shredder for this. Depending on the type of shredder you have, you will need to shred the plastic 3-4 times.



Injection into the mold

created 3 months ago
Fill the injection molding machine with the shredded plastic and wait until the plastic has melted evenly. Insert the mold under the injection molding machine and inject the plastic mass evenly into the tool.



Let cool

created 3 months ago
Let the plastic cool down for a while and then remove the part from the mold. Repeat the steps until you have made all the parts.



Assembling parts

created 3 months ago
Once you have made all the parts, you can now put them together to create the finished prosthesis. Please note: Some parts still require holes to be drilled in order to screw the parts together.



HfG-Jaipur Knee & HfG Team

created 3 months ago
The team that worked on converting the Stanford-Jaipur prosthesis into injection molded PP: HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences www.hfg-gmuend.de It is an association of the faculties: Product Design, Interaction Design, Communication Design and Digital Products The project was supervised and supported in Nov. 2024 by: Prof. Gerhard Reichert Andreas Belthe - Method and Research Learning Lab Jens Kause - workshop master – Machining & Laser Students (alphabetical): Anna Weinstein Anton Pelezki Clara Butkovic Daniela Ciochina Dimitri Wagner Franz Anhaeupl Gianni Pighetti Julian Vogelsang Julius Schoch Maximilian Pfandl Selamawit Gegziabher Please note that this is the first prototype. This mechanical knee is not ready for real use. It is a HfG- study and starting point for further developments.
Precious Plastic is a project by One Army.Please sponsor the work or help us build the software.