Who can help us to find grants for V5?
| Asked 10 days ago
Last update 1 day ago

Who can help us to find grants for V5?

We need your help to find grants! There are numerous grants available, but with a small team, it’s tough to find them all. We are looking for grants that fund plastic recycling, open source knowledge or community empowering. Our 3 year vision is to triple the impact of small-scale plastic recycling globally by releasing Version 5 with a total budget of 2.1 million euros. We will work on improving our software and marketplace, reviewing and expanding our knowledge base by making videos and design a new starterkit for Municipalities. We are therefore looking for grants or opportunities that can fund all of version 5 or fund one or more projects. Let’s crowdsource our efforts and share what we discover!! Thanks, Sigolène PS.: If you have any questions, comments or ideas based on this article (https://www.preciousplastic.com/news/problems-in-precious-plastic), please add them here: https://community.preciousplastic.com/questions/questions-on-the-article-with-our-problems

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