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Precious Plastic
Chain mould
| Published about 1 year ago
Last update about 1 year ago

Chain mould

This is a mold for making closed-links chains. It was made together with @johannplasto ( We decided to make the chains closed so that they could hold more weight than the opened ones. This mold was specifically made for making phone chains and due to the different ways a phone can be grabbed, we felt this was the safest way to go!
1-2 weeks
Very Hard
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More Information
10 useful
3 steps


Download and mill the mold

In the zip. folder you'll find: - Chain mold top part STEP file - Chain mold bottom part STEP file - Chain mold top part blueprint - Chain mold bottom part blueprint This is quite a complex mould, it's an 8 part mold, so make sure to find the right manufacturer for it! Here are a few things to consider: - You'll need x4 of the bottom part and x4 of the top part. - There are threads needed in the mould (it's not possible to make a hole through, because there is the geometry of the chain on the way). - You'll need steel or aluminium 7050 or aluminium 7075. - Each link includes the Polypropylene logo because we made them with this material. Make sure to change the logo if you are planning on using a different kind of plastic.



Inject your first set of links and then use them as "inserts" in the mold to inject around them, then keep on doing the same until you reach the desired chain lenght. This mould will allow you to create 4 very strong chains at the time. You can also use this how-to as inspiration to make other products that could be made with this method :)


Get creative!

There's multiple posibilities when it comes to chains! You can use them for making handles, eyewear straps, phone charms, space dividers and more! You can also make the links smaller or bigger, depending on the application :) Please tag @​​​​​madplastic_ and @johannplasto on IG if you decide to replicate this mold, we would love to see the results! Happy melting 😊
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