Make a light switch
Moulds to make the push botton and the frame for a light switch. Short video of the making:
More Information
Mill or print the moulds
The moulds were designed for the resin print, if you want to mill the molds out of aluminium, you may have to make a few changes, or get in contact and I can help you.
For the botton mould you need 4x M8x50 screws, for the frame mould you need 4x M8x40 screws.
Assmeble the mould, inject, deassemble and do the afterwork.
Use polypropylene, this plastic type is safer for electronic enclosures than HDPE.
Mount it on the wall
Use a Schneider Elso 111600 switch, turn off the fuse and install the electronics.'
Use 2 small screws to mount the frame and the switch to the wall.
Press the push botton on the switch, turn on the fuse and be happy with a light switch from recycled plastic waste.